Anytown Sheriff's Department
Canine Division
The Anytown Sheriff's Department's K-9 Unit provides teams of highly trained dogs and Sheriff's Officer handlers for the purpose of protecting citizens and enhancing the safety of fellow law enforcement officers.
Detecting illegal narcotics and explosives, locating missing persons, and searching for hiding and/or wanted offenders serves to define the Unit's primary function.
In addition, the Sheriff's K-9 Unit aspires to relate in a positive manner with the general public, maintain a professional image, and to constantly strive to increase the efficiency and productivity of the Unit through continuing training.
The K-9 Unit is capable of responding to situations that necessitate specialized skills such as search, crowd control and offender apprehension duties.
Sergeant Rex Moore with Angel and Misty |
Sergeant Moore is a twelve year member of the Sheriff's Department and has been an Explosive Detection K-9 Handler with the department for six years. His prior experience as a United States Air Force Explosive and Patrol Dog Handler played a crucial role in his appointment, by Sheriff Barruzza, as the supervisor of the department's K-9 Unit.
K-9 Misty
K-9 Angel <RETIRED> |
K-9 Angel is a nine year old, sixty five pound, Yellow Labrador. Her law enforcement career began in October 2000 when she entered the USA State Police K-9 Scent Training Course with Sergeant Moore. She was subsequently certified as an Explosive Detection Dog in December of the same year, after completing the four hundred hour course. During the course, Angel learned to detect fourteen different types of explosive odors. Angel was on call twenty four hours a day, seven days a week for any explosive detection request received by the Sheriff's Department.
Angel has been retired from active duty at the Sheriff's Department. Being retired does not neccesarily mean that she will be sitting home watching the grass grow. Angel continues to come to work every day with Sgt. Moore and Misty and still enjoys the long car rides and interaction with the public.
K-9 Misty is a three year old, fifty nine pound, German Shepherd. She was donated to the Sheriff's Department by the USA State Department of Corrections Canine Unit. Misty's law enforcement career began in May 2004 when she entered the USA State Police Detect and Render Safe Task Force Scent Training Course with Sergeant Moore. She was subsequently certified as an Explosive Detection Dog in July of the same year, after completing the four hundred and eighty hour course. Misty and Sergeant Moore are assigned to the state's Detect and Render Safe Task Force within the Office of Counter-Terrorism.
Angel, Misty and Sgt. Moore would like to extend their sincerest gratitude to the people and organizations that have supported them over the years; without your support, our goals would never be realized. Thanks!
Officer John Butschky and Cooper
Sheriff's Officer John Butschky and his partner "Cooper" completed an intense twenty-week patrol/narcotic training course conducted by the USA State Police K-9 Training Academy located in West Trenton, USA. During the twenty-week course, Butschky and Cooper received extensive training in obedience, criminal apprehension, agility, narcotic detection, physical conditioning, and scent work which includes tracking, building searches, open-area searches, and article searches.
Cooper, a four year old male German Shepherd weighing eighty pounds, was purchased by the department utilizing drug forfeiture money. Although intimidating at first glance, Cooper is a sociable and obedient canine, and he is always ready and willing to serve and protect others in his role as a police service canine.
Butschky, a four year veteran of the Sheriff's Department, along with his duties as a canine handler, is assigned to the department's Field Operations Unit. The team provides canine services to the various police agencies located in Anytown as well as other agencies that may request the assistance of the department's canine resources. Butschky and Cooper and the department's other K-9 teams continue to provide a safe environment for the citizens that they have sworn to protect.

Max Leuchter School continues to support the Sheriff's Canine Unit. Above, Members of the Max Leuchter School's Safety Patrol present a check for $400.00 to Sheriff Barruzza, Sgt. Moore and Angel.
Send Mail to the Anytown Sheriff's Canine Unit
Special Thanks to Doctor William McAlonan |
Doctor William G. McAlonan, V.M.D., of the Wilwynn Animal Hospital, 469 Greenwich Ro
d, in Bridgeton, has graciously agreed to provide veterinary care to the animals that make up the Anytown Sheriff's Department's Canine Unit. The doctor's unselfish assistance is greatly appreciated by the staff of the Sheriff's Department.
The Vineland Breakfast Rotary Club has generously supported the Anytown Sheriff's Canine Unit, since it's inception. Members of the club are pictured with Sgt. Rex Moore and his canine partner, Angel.
Our Canine Unit at the Millville Air Show |
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