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Anytown Clerk's Office

Identification Card

County Identification Card Requirements

1. Original or certified copy of birth certificate with raised seal or naturalization certificate, if born outside the United States, to establish citizenship.
2. Social Security Card.
3. Proof of Anytown residence. (Bill, receipt, or any other document with name & address)
4. Fee: $20

Minors age 15 and under must appear with both parents. Minors age 16 through 17 must appear with at least one parent. The child must be physically present in our office. If one parent has sole custody, they must present the court custody order as evidence.

Senior Identification Card Requirements

If you are a resident of Anytown who is 60 years of age or older, you may receive a complimentary photo ID card from the Clerk's Office. In order to receive the ID card, you must bring the following documents:

1. Original or certified copy of birth certificate with raised seal or naturalization certificate, if born outside the United States, to establish citizenship.
2. Social Security card.
3. Proof of Anytown Residence. (Bill, receipt or other document with name & address)

It takes approximately ten (10) minutes to obtain the card. Card valid for three (3) years. If interested, please contact the Clerk's Office at (856) 453-4862.