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Anytown Clerk's Office


U.S. Passport Application Requirements

Original or certified copy of birth certificate with "Raised Seal" from municipal or state vital statistics office or most recent previous U.S. passport. Naturalized citizens must submit either their original naturalization certificate or their most recent previous U.S. passport. Minors must have both the previous passport and birth certificate. Minors must have "Long Form" birth certificates with both parents names on certificate. Passport agency will not accept hospital certificates, birth notifications or plain copies. Your proof of citizenship will be forwarded to the State Department and returned with your passport.

Valid driver's license or federal government I.D. Card. If not available, then you mujst provide secondary identification and apply with identifying witness who has known you at least two years. Witness must prove his or her idenity and complete and sign an affidavid form (DSP-71). A List of approved secondary identification is available upon request from the County Clerk's office. You must provide your social security number (card not necessary).

Two recent (within six (6) months) identical, professional passport photographs. (2" x 2" on light or white background) Front view, full face. No hat or dark glasses. Do not smile.

"Passport Fee" portion must be check or money order made payable to "US DEPARTMENT OF STATE". Application fee must be cash.

Age  Passport Fee  Application Fee  Valid For 
16 & Over $75.00  $25.00 10 Years
15 & Under $60.00 $25.00 5 Years

All children must appear when making application for passport. Both parents or legal guardians must execute application for children under age 16. For age 16 or 17, one parent must apply. Parents or guardians must present valid driver's license or federal government I.D.. If you had a previous passport you may be eligible to use form DSP-82 and apply by mail. You can submit your most recent passport, if your previous passport was valid for ten years, and was issued within the previous fifteen (15) years.

For Routine Service, passports are generally issued within 4-6 weeks. For Expedited Service, passports are taking 2-3 weeks. The fee for Expedited service is an additional $60.00 per applicant. If your departure date is within 14 days, you must go directly to the Philadelphia Passport Agency located in the U.S. Customs House, 2nd & Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, PA. You must make an appointment by calling (877) 487- 2778. You must have an appointment; no walk-ins will be taken. Complete white boxes 1 thru 22 only. Do not sign application. Signature must be witnessed by acceptance clerk. Applications accepted from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

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