Company / Project Name: |
Company Contact Name: |
Phone: |
Project Management: Contact Name: |
Phone: |
Mailing Address: |
Physical Address of Project: |
Tax Map No (Section/Block/Lot): |
Lease or Own Facility |
If leasing, provide name of owner: |
Type of Company: (example: manufacturer of shoes, auto service etc.) |
Total Building Square Footage: |
Percentage of Occupancy of Building: |
Total Project Investment $: |
Total Employees: |
Retained: |
New: |
Will you hire locally (Orange County residents) or from an outside source?
Type of Jobs to be created (please be specific ex: 1 manager, 2 admin etc.)
Please list all municipalities and agencies that must provide approvals for the proposed project:
If an application is pending in any municipality for approval related to the proposed project,
please identify the municipality, the type of application, and the status of the application:
Please give a brief description about the project, what types of goods or services will be
created, and why the benefits you are seeking are important to the project: