Knowledge Base

My private tree fell into the street why didn't you clean it up?

Category: Trees Issues

A fallen tree is always the responsibility of the property owner. In the case of a street tree, the City is the owner and our tree crew responds to these calls. When a private tree falls into the City's right-of-way, the Parks tree crew is responsible only to remove debris in the roadway that creates a public safety hazard. In many cases, this debris is returned to the private property it originated from. This may seem like a hardship to the owner, however, this policy allows the resident to contact a private tree crew during normal business hours to remove the fallen tree. Otherwise, the owner would need to contact a tree crew possibly during off hours at a considerably higher rate. Some communities actually charge residents for all costs associated with removing a private tree from public right-of-ways.

Updated 6/8/2009 11:13 AM
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